The mission of Sterling Montessori is to create a diverse educational community, grounded in the Montessori philosophy and teaching practices, that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in its students. We strive to empower each student to become life-long learners who respect themselves, others and their environment.
For more than 100 years, Maria Montessori’s child-centered, scientific approach has been producing outstanding educational outcomes for families around the world. Contemporary research has repeatedly validated Dr. Montessori’s brilliant insights and carefully designed methods and materials. If you’re like most Sterling parents, you were likely not educated at a Montessori school, and may have limited knowledge of Montessori philosophy and methodology. This page is provided as a resource for parents to learn more about Montessori education.
“Montessori: Secondary Programs” (YouTube). Many people associate Montessori only with early childhood and elementary education. This video from the American Montessori Society outlines the benefits of a Montessori education for children aged 12-18.
“What We Can All Learn from a Montessori Classroom” (website): An education professional describes the visit she made to a Montessori school in Bowling Green, KY and the revelations she experienced.
"Montessori Parents - Learning From Home Handbook" (PDF): A useful guide to implementing Montessori principles at home.
"Easy Ways to Use Montessori at Home" (website): Simple ways to use Montessori-inspired principles in your home.
The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) is the original organization to promote the ideas and principles of Maria Montessori, both training teachers and accrediting schools.
The Association Montessori Internationale / USA (AMI/USA) is AMI’s branch office in the United States, and offers teacher training at several sites.
The North American Montessori Teachers Association (NAMTA) is a source of information about Montessori research, training, and education, publishing resources for parents, offering regional conferences for teachers, and editing The NAMTA Journal.
The American Montessori Society (AMS) is a non-profit service organization dedicated to stimulating the use of the Montessori teaching approach in private and public schools; it trains teachers and accredits schools.
Montessori Online is the online resource center provided by the Montessori Foundation (publishers of Tomorrow’s Child magazine) and the International Montessori Council.
The Montessori Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of Montessori education in the United States and abroad. The foundation and its membership organization, The International Montessori Council, work together with Montessori schools, parents, and local and national Montessori organizations to promote the mission of the Montessori movement.
The International Montessori Index is a web site organized to provide detailed information on Montessori education to the public: information for parents and teachers, practical suggestions for using Montessori philosophy in homes and classrooms, links to Montessori schools, conferences, teacher training courses, organizations, educational materials, and other valuable sites.
Jola Publications: offers Montessori publications and serves as a clearing house for information like upcoming events, schools listings, news, etc.
Michael Olaf Montessori Company offers Montessori toys, books, games, tools, music, and other educational and fun materials for children from birth to age twelve, at home and in school.
Parent Child Press publishes books promoting parenting, Montessori education, art education, and the spiritual growth of children.
The Center for Positive Practices provides an annotated bibliography to articles in various Montessori publications.