The mission of Sterling Montessori is to create a diverse educational community, grounded in the Montessori philosophy and teaching practices, that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in its students. We strive to empower each student to become life-long learners who respect themselves, others and their environment.


Charter FAQs

Do charter schools have admissions policies?

By law, charter schools must have fair and open admissions processes, conducting outreach and recruitment to all segments of the community they serve. When more students apply than can be accommodated, many charters use a lottery to randomly determine which students can be accepted. Many charter schools also have waiting lists.

How much does it cost to attend a charter school?

Charter schools are tuition free.  They are public schools and funding for the schools comes from federal, state, and local taxes.

How are charter schools funded?

As public schools, charters are not allowed to charge tuition, and they are funded according to enrollment.  In most states, charters do not receive capital funds for facilities.  They are entitled to federal categorical funding for which their students are eligible, such as Title I and Special Education monies.  Charter schools rely on fundraising for additional monies to support our programs.  For more information please read A Case for Support and consider giving a donation.

How do you enroll in a charter school?

Parents must contact each individual charter school to see if they have openings.  If they have more applications than available slots, an open lottery must be instituted to fill the remaining spots.  Parents or guardians can submit a completed online lottery application for each child. Once an application has been submitted, you will receieve confirmation with your child's lottery number, which will be used to check your lottery status.

Do I have to be present at the lottery?

You do not have to attend the public lottery. Within 24 hours of the lottery, an email will be sent to confirm either acceptance or waitlisted to the Charter program.  All lottery results will be posted on our website.

What do I do if I have entered the wrong information in the admissions process?

Do not submit a new application.  Please send an email with the name of the Parent/Guardian, student's name and date of birth and the item needing correction to You will receive a confirmation email that the change has been made.

What if I lost my lottery confirmation number?

Double check you email including junk mail and spam account. If you cannot locate the lottery number, please send an email to Include Parent/Guardian and student's name, student's date of birth and grade applied for. You will receive a return email with the application confirmation number.

Post-Lottery Application Process

Sterling may accept applications for our Charter program outside of the Lottery Application Window. This Post-Lottery application will not be included in the lottery scheduled for that year.  However, Post-Lottery Applications will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist for the requested grade in the order they are received. If seats remain available after all lottery applicants have been placed, we will reach out to you regarding potential enrollment.

What are our chances of getting in?

Sterling has 72 Kindergarten spots. Employees, Siblings and the School Board have priority for those spots. Usually there are 50-55 seats for the general public, but every year is different. At the time of the lottery, first-eigth grades are waitlisted. We will fill those spots only if we have current students withdraw from the school.

Do charter schools take the mandated tests?

Yes. All charter schools are required to take the state mandated tests including EOG (End of Grade) and EOC (End of Course) tests.

Do the Read to Achieve reading requirements affect charter school students?

Yes.  Charter school students must meet the same Read to Achieve requirements as any other public school student.