The mission of Sterling Montessori is to create a diverse educational community, grounded in the Montessori philosophy and teaching practices, that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in its students. We strive to empower each student to become life-long learners who respect themselves, others and their environment.
To reach a staff member, please dial 919-462-8889, and asked to be connected
NAME | |
Rudra Acharya CH Teacher Assistant |
racharya@sterlingmontessori.org |
Suma Chavadi CH Teacher Assistant |
schavadi@sterlingmontessori.org |
Gabriele DePriest CH Teacher Assistant |
gdepriest@sterlingmontessori.org |
Candice Devito CH Teacher Assistant |
cdevito@sterlingmontessori.org |
Patricia Dover CH Teacher Assistant |
pdover@sterlingmontessori.org |
Diane Hefter CH Lead Teacher |
dhefter@sterlingmontessori.org |
Talyn Edwards CH Lead Teacher |
tedwards@sterlingmontessori.org |
Karen Kirby CH Floater |
kkirby@sterlingmontessori.org |
Bhuvana Prabu CH Teacher Assistant |
bprabu@sterlingmontessori.org |
Sheri Rummage CH Lead Teacher |
srummage@sterlingmontessori.org |
Olga Senin CH Teacher Assistant |
osenin@sterlingmontessori.org |
Ellie Shameli CH Lead Teacher |
eshameli@sterlingmontessori.org |
Andrea Shapiro CH Lead Teacher |
ashapiro@sterlingmontessori.org |
Rasmi Subudhi CH Teacher Assistant |
rsubudhi@sterlingmontessori.org |
Selena Swayngim CH Lead Teacher |
sswayngim@sterlingmontessori.org |
Tiffany Swindell CH Lead Teacher |
tswindell@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jessica Weiser CH Lead Teacher |
jweiser@sterlingmontessori.org |
Rhonda Williamson CH Floater; AfterCare Coordinator |
rwilliamson@sterlingmontessori.org |
NAME | |
Priyadarsini Asokan LE Teacher Assistant |
pasokan@sterlingmontessori.org |
Vaish Balaji LE Lead Teacher |
vbalaji@sterlingmontessori.org |
Lauren Bateman LE Lead Teacher |
lbateman@sterlingmontessori.org |
Nur Bazzari LE Lead Teacher |
nbazzari@sterlingmontessori.org |
Gauri Borkar LE Teacher Assistant |
gborkar@sterlingmontessori.org |
Ayomi Dissanayake LE Lead Teacher |
adissanayake@sterlingmontessori.org |
Joela D'Souza LE Teacher Assistant |
jdsouza@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jarrett Evans LE Floater |
jevans@sterlingmontessori.org |
Rashmi Ghimire LE Teacher Assistant |
rghimire@sterlingmontessori.org |
Ginger Harris LE Teacher Assistant |
gharris@sterlingmontessori.org |
Carroll Krause LE Lead Teacher |
ckrause@sterlingmontessori.org |
Julie Lee LE Teacher Assistant |
jlee@sterlingmontessori.org |
Britiney McMillan LE Lead Teacher |
bmcmillan@sterlingmontessori.org |
Puja Mitchell LE Lead Teacher |
pmitchell@sterlingmontessori.org |
Bhuvana Ramamoorthy LE Teacher Assistant |
bramamoorthy@sterlingmontessori.org |
Lili Villafuerte LE Lead Teacher |
lvillafuerte@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jasmine Wright LE Teacher Assistant |
jwright@sterlingmontessori.org |
Insaf Abdulla UE Teacher Assistant |
iabdulla@sterlingmontessori.org |
Cheryl Blackwelder UE Teacher Assistant |
cblackwelder@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jenny Blair UE Lead Teacher |
jblair@sterlingmontessori.org |
Mike Blouin UE Lead Teacher |
mblouin@sterlingmontessori.org |
Mecos Davis UE Teacher Assistant |
mdavis@sterlingmontessori.org |
Mary Deans UE Lead Teacher |
mdeans@sterlingmontessori.org |
A.J. Haddad UE Lead Teacher |
ajhaddad@sterlingmontessori.org |
Lara Hamblen UE Lead Teacher |
lhamblen@sterlingmontessori.org |
Beth Hensley UE Lead Teacher |
bhensley@sterlingmontessori.org |
Elsie Hutt UE Teacher Assistant |
ehutt@sterlingmontessori.org |
Martyna Kowalska UE Teacher Assistant |
mkowalska@sterlingmontessori.org |
Maria Ram UE Teacher Assistant |
mram@sterlingmontessori.org |
Evangeline Richardson UE Teacher Assistant |
erichardson@sterlingmontessori.org |
Anu Venkat UE Lead Teacher |
avenkat@sterlingmontessori.org |
Chelsea Barlow MS Science Teacher |
cbarlow@sterlingmontessori.org |
Tom Keeler MS Math Specialist |
tkeeler@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jen McMurray MS Humanities Teacher |
jmcmurray@sterlingmontessori.org |
Rashiea Riggsbee MS Resource Teacher |
rriggsbee@sterlingmontessori.org |
Desteana Rouser MS Associate Teacher |
drouser@sterlingmontessori.org |
Derek Starkenburg MS Science Teacher |
dstarkenburg@sterlingmontessori.org |
Sara Stinnette MS Humanities Teacher |
sstinnette@sterlingmontessori.org |
Shannon Kirk UE Resource Teacher |
skirk@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jeff Strobl Behavioral Specialist |
jstrobl@sterlingmontessori.org |
Kendra Walters EC Program Assistant |
kwalters@sterlingmontessori.org |
Alexis Williams EC Program Assistant |
awilliams@sterlingmontessori.org |
Sheila Williams Gorrell EC Program Assistant |
swilliams@sterlingmontessori. |
Kim Wright Speech-Language Therapist |
kwright@sterlingmontessori.org |
Sonia DiFranco Spanish Teacher |
sdifranco@sterlingmontessori.org |
David Helwig P.E. Teacher |
dhelwig@sterlingmontessori.org |
Christine Holton Art Teacher |
cholton@sterlingmontessori.org |
Pam Narayana Art Teacher Assistant |
pnarayana@sterlingmontessori.org |
Daniel Stevenson P.E. Teacher Assistant |
dstevenson@sterlingmontessori.org |
Jaidyn Strange Music Assistant |
jstrange@sterlingmontessori.org |
Sue Ann Wright Music Teacher |
swright@sterlingmontessori.org |
Mary Williams School Counselor |
mwilliams@sterlingmontessori.org |
Kelli Alvater UE/MS Floater |
kalvater@sterlingmontessori.org |
Diarra Phillip Interventionist |
dphillip@sterlingmontessori.org |
Shenes Ray Elementary & MS Staff Care |
sray@sterlingmontessori.org |